How to get your digital marketing ready for a world without third-party cookies

The Cookieless World Hub

The Cookieless World Hub

Your one-stop-library for navigating the demise of third-party cookies

For the last three decades (yes, really!) third-party cookies have become the norm in digital marketing. They help advertising platforms identify users and serve them personalized content. This well-oiled machine is about to change fundamentally in Europe.

This massive change is driven by two forces:

  • EU governments are under pressure to increase the protection of citizen's data privacy;
  • Consumers are becoming reluctant to share their data with companies;

The days when marketers can use third-party cookies to track visitors between domains and campaigns are nearing an end. In fact, both the Safari and Firefox browsers are already blocking third-party cookies, and Google Chrome has announced to follow in 2024.

Practically all aspects of digital marketing will be impacted: collecting customer data, personalization on paid media (remarketing), onsite personalization, and web analytics.

Is your digital marketing strategy ready for a cookieless future?

In this hub, you'll find everything you need to know about the current situation and what you can do to prepare and get a competitive edge.


The cookieless future and first-party data - what CMOs need to know

Our CEO shares a high-level overview of the current situation with customer data and practical tips on how to future-proof your marketing strategy to ensure commercial growth.
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eBook: The ultimate guide to preparing your marketing for a cookieless world

The days when marketers can easily track visitors between domains and campaigns are nearing an end. With browser restrictions and privacy legislation in Europe getting tighter by the day, it's becoming increasingly challenging for marketers and analytics specialists to know what to do next. It’s time to prepare for a cookieless future.

To help digital experts navigate this journey, we spoke to our in-house subject-matter experts and created this comprehensive ebook on the cookieless world.  


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Our in-house strategy consultant and customer success manager, Richard Jonkhof, is sharing practical tips on how you can prepare for your migration to server-side data collection.

Ready to discuss how we can help you get ready for a cookieless world?