Relay42 for Airlines

Relay42 for Airlines


Relay42 the first Customer Data Platform specifically tailored for the needs of airline brands, which leverages the Relay42 real-time CDP alongside our extensive 14-year knowledge of the needs and use cases for aviation marketers.  

Having worked closely with brands like KLM, Air France, Transavia and others, our technology and expertise in the airline sector is second to none, enabling us to provide tailored airline marketing solutions that fast implementations to accelerate time-to-value from a CDP investment. The tailored solution provides a quick launch of vital use cases to support the brand in achieving its acquisition and CX goals while providing all the channel connectivity to enable omnichannel experiences and predictive AI models to power personalization at scale. 

Drive Customer Acquisition

Drive Customer Acquisition

Improve passenger load factor

Improve passenger load factor

Increase ancillary sales

Increase ancillary sales

Reduce churn

Reduce churn


Try Relay42 for Airlines - Get a 3-month POC

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Try Relay42 for Airlines - Get a 3-month POC

Relay42 for Airlines Benefits & Capabilities

  • Omnichannel Personalization
  • Real-time identity stitching
  • Manage sequential interactions
  • AI-powered Decisions
  • Improving margins while delighting customers
  • Managing Disruptions in the right way
  • Experienced AI models to facilitate your industry-specific needs
  • Ability to connect your existing AI models and in-house intelligence
  • AI integrated with journey orchestration
With Relay42 we can deliver on the promise of personalization at scale to become fully customer-centric. Personalization is the only way forward; and we see that our approach pays off. Compelling results confirm that we chose the right technology for our mission.

Michiel BlonkVP Pricing & Revenue Management Europe

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Want to learn more about the platform — and the strategy — that puts data at the heart of your customer journey?
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