How Hotels Can Get More Out of Mobile
Hotels aren’t just in the business of selling rooms, they’re in the business of selling experiences. Certainly today, when busines …

How Telcos Can Tackle Organizational Agility and Grow — Simultaneously
I have the privilege of working with a range of different types of businesses here at Relay42, with one of the more predominant se …

How to Reduce Call Center Volumes and Empower Your Frontline Agents
Most of us weren't trained to do marketing in times of a global crisis. COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on business and t …

7 Tips to Inspire Your 2020 Marketing & CX Strategy
We have the privilege of spending a lot of time with a lot of marketers from different industries — travel, telco, utilities, and …

How Marketers Can (Finally) Beat Walled Gardens
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft… these companies know people. They know your interests, your search behavior, the food you li …

Infographic - 3 Steps to Omnichannel Customer Journeys
The data deluge has left marketers asking how they can organize their activities in a way that is beneficial for their business an …

Relay42 Introduces Profile View Feature
Marketers have a lot going on. They work hard to create customer-centric journeys that offer a positive experience and drive resul …

Personalized Fintech Customer Journey Infographic
What does it take to build personalized, dynamic customer journeys in fintech? This journey takes Peter from a prospect to an Evi …

Change These 3 KPIs for a More Customer-Centric Organization
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are there to keep organizations on target. They help us work in a more data-driven way so we can …

How Telcos Are Increasing CLV With Better Personalization and CX
Telcos battle it out in increasingly competitive market The saturated telcom market has been shifting as large telcos buy up small …